The Forbes Real Estate Council has assembled a list of 8 real estate myths, and enough information to debunk them. More, here.
The Forbes Real Estate Council has assembled a list of 8 real estate myths, and enough information to debunk them. More, here.
Reuters has a lengthy video, and accompanying article on how the recent mortgage rules are affecting older Americans. More, here.
Abhi Golhar, writing for Forbes, shares 4 guaranteed ways to increase real estate values. More, here.
The Motley Fool has compiled a list of the 9 things that may be keeping you from getting a mortgage. More, here. has assembled the average returns on 5 common real estate investment strategies. More, here.
USA Today offers 3 tips—and an accompanying video— to help you understand how much mortgage you can afford. More, here.
The Washington Post answers a reader’s question about the difference between seller and buyer real estate agents. More, here.
Nerdwallet has a short update on current, average mortgage rates, and the increase in housing permits. More, here.