CNBC has an overview of the current mortgage market. Most notably, total mortgage application volume is up 2.3%. More, here.
CNBC has an overview of the current mortgage market. Most notably, total mortgage application volume is up 2.3%. More, here.
Sascha Janzen has a piece for Inman detailing 5 mistakes to avoid when transferring assets along to the next generation. More, here.
BankRate has a synopsis of the drop in 30-year fixed and 15-year fixed mortgages, along with the 5/1 adjustable-rate mortgage. More, here.
Maurie Backman, writing for Fox News, has assembled a checklist of 4 things to do prior to applying for a mortgage. More, here.
Bloomberg reports on the recent jump in pending home-sales, along with additional information taken from a recent National Association of Realtors (NAR) report released this week. More, here.
Average rates on 30-year fixed and 15-year fixed mortgage decreased today. Bankrate has more information, here.
Projections and Implications for Housing a Growing Population: Older Households 2015-2035 is the full title, and the description is as follows: “By 2035, more than one in five people in the US will be aged 65 and older and one in three households will be headed by someone in that age group. This growth will increase the demand for affordable, accessible housing that is well connected to services far beyond what current supply can meet.” More, here.
Adam Bergman, writing for Forbes, shares some valuable information on using retirement funds to invest in real estate. More, here.
HUD reported that the mortgage premium rate cut has been “suspended indefinitely”. You can read more about what that means for you, here.