A sell-off in the U.S. bond market caused rates to rise to their highest point in 2 months. Rates still remain historically low. More, here.
A sell-off in the U.S. bond market caused rates to rise to their highest point in 2 months. Rates still remain historically low. More, here.
Brandon Turner, writing for Forbes, shares valuable advice from 20 financial experts on saving for a real estate down payment. More, here.
64% of mortgage applications last week were from homeowners planning to refinance. Rates stay at a record-low. More, here.
Kenneth Harney, with The Chicago Tribune, examines new findings from researchers at the Housing Finance Policy Center of the Urban Institute. In short, single women are paying more for mortgages. More, here.
The Huffington Post has a list today of 6 things you could be doing that may harm your chances of mortgage pre-approval. More, here.
CNBC reports that that mortgage applications rose 2.8% last week from the week prior. Rates remain largely the same, but may adjust in one direction or other on Friday with the release of the August employment report. More, here.
Mark J. Kohler, has a 5-minute video and accompanying article for Entrepreneur magazine listing 5 reasons to buy rental real estate. More, here.
Airbnb, the room-rental service, has caused some complications for hosts when refinancing their mortgage. If you currently rent out your living space through a rental-service, this article from the Wall Street Journal is worth a read.
Low mortgage rates continue to contribute to a stronger housing market. New home sales are at their highest point in 9 years, and there’s a nearly 32% improvement in sales for homes under $300k. More, here.