CNBC reports on the uptick in mortgage applications, along with the continuing drop in mortgage rates. More, here.
CNBC reports on the uptick in mortgage applications, along with the continuing drop in mortgage rates. More, here.
Nathan Hamilton and Kristine Harjes, analysts for the Motley Fool, explain the mortgage “teaser” rate and how it differs from an actual rate. More, here.
The Washington Post reports on the recent drop in mortgage rates, but warns against a possible increase soon. More, here.
Eli Tucker, on the ARL Now site, shares some tips for being competitive in the Spring Real Estate Market. More, here.
Utilizing data from multiple surveys, the Motley Fool lists Americans’ greatest fear when it comes to mortgages. More, here.
Katie Lobosco at CNN Money answers a reader’s question about how real estate can aid in retirement. More, here.
Steve Udelson, writing for Forbes, shares his opinion on why we can expect a strong real estate market in 2017. More, here.